Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Call us on: +254-707201948

Nairobi, Kenya

Program Background

Good shepherd Empowerment Program Embu, is a ministry of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (also known as Good Shepherd Sisters) located in Embu Dioceses in Embu County, Kenya. Its main mission is to minster to women, girls and children whose condition in life cries out for healing and merciful love of Jesus the Good Shepherd with the aim of empowering them to realize they are born with the inherent and inalienable rights of all human beings which can enable them to reach their full potential as individuals and members of the society.

The Embu Empowerment program began in the year 2000 when the Good Shepherd Sisters were invited in the Dioceses of Embu to work in a shelter home for girls in pregnancy crisis and other related crisis affecting women and girls. A survey that was carried out then, revealed that most of the women and girls who sought help from the sisters came from very poor family backgrounds and from family structures that were oppressive and broken.

The survey also revealed that teenage girls who came from single parented families suffered most once they dropped out of school without skills and eventually ending up becoming pregnant, sent away from families even before they were 18 years. For such girls, to be able to earn a living while in slums or poor settings, they undertake occasional manual work, prostitution, selling illicit brews and drugs. The income earned from these activities is often not steady and normally too little to provide for their basic needs and a number of these girls/women end up in prison because of the activities they are involved in. It is this plight of poor women and young mothers especially those in pregnancy crisis that led to the beginning of the Embu Good Shepherd Empowerment Program registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in the year 2012. The aim of the program is to empower women and girls holistically.

Projects in the programme

Shelter home for teenage girls

Activities include:

  1. Hospital visits for check-up, medication, pre-natal and antenatal clinics of both the mother and the baby
  2. Home visit for reconciliation and preparation for re-integration
  3. Fundraising for school fees for the girls as many are school going children
  4. Visits to the prisons as some have been defiled by close relatives
  5. Legal and psychological counselling
  6. Kitchen gardening for vegetables
  7. Handcrafts

Women Empowerment and Livelihood

Activities include:

  1. Micro-finance- table banking, merry-go round
  2. Training on entrepreneurship which includes, Book keeping and Record Keeping, small businesses, business planning, Savings, table banking, Marketing, Animal and Crop Farming.
  3. Skills training which includes Bead work, Soap Making
  4. Poultry Keeping
  5. Small business enterprises
  6. Advocacy activities which includes Gender issues

Girl Child Empowerment

The project includes advocacy on:

  1. Gender issues

  2. Girls rights

  3. Human rights /children rights

  4. Education

  5.  Child protection and safeguarding

Skills Training

This is an activity for the girls in the shelter (Annunciation Home) and also girls from the community benefit from the skills training


Below is a gallery of our latest projects

Our Team

Sr. Pascaline Mukebo


Sr. Dorothy

Home Administrator

Bancy Njoki Mithamu


Mercy Wawira Kariuki

Social Worker

Damaris Mokeri

Social Worker